
molecular background

Our portfolio company working in the pharmaceutical sector is leading the way in medical research in various neuro-degenerative and central nervous system disorders.

Therapy intervention with proprietary IP is being sought for treating diseases or disorders such as mild traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment and multiple sclerosis.

Each of these conditions affect millions of people annually in the USA and globally, with limited or no means of treatment. As such, it is imperative that we lead the way in advancing research in these critical areas to understand how these diseases manifest, and more importantly how to treat them after they occur.

All research and development is currently being advanced in the United States through partnerships with leading university institutions and companies that have wide expertise in areas of drug development, such as manufacturing, regulatory, clinical and non-clinical research, and safety testing.

Our company follows recommendations and guidance provided by the US FDA on the necessary studies and required data collection necessary to satisfy the regulators requirements for a safe treatment that is proven to work for the disease conditions being targeted